The Hacker Chronicles - A…the Computer Underground
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** Hacking : DECs's **
** **
Welcome to Basics of Hacking I: DEC's
In this article you will learn how to
log in to DEC's, logging out, and all
the fun stuff to do in-between.
All of this information is based on a
standard DEC system. Since there are
DEC systems 10 and 20, and we favor,
the DEC 20, there will be more info
on them in this article. It just so
happens that the dec 20 is also the
more common of the two, and is used
by much more interesting people (if
you know what we mean...)
Ok, the first thing you want to do
when you are receiving carrier from a
DEC system is to find out the format
of login names. You can do this by
looking at who is on the system.
DEC=> @ (the 'exec' level prompt)
SY is short for SY(STAT) and shows
you the system status. You should see
the format of login names...
A SYSTAT usually comes up in this form:
Job Line Program User
Job: The JOB number (Not important
unless you want to log them off later)
Line: What line they are on (used to
talk to them...)
These are both two or three digit
Program: What program are they running
under? If it says 'EXEC' they aren't
doing anything at all...
User: ahhhAHHHH! This is the user
name they are logged in under...
Copy the format, and hack yourself out
a working code...
Login format is as such:
DEC=> @
YOU=> login username password
Username is the username in the format
you saw above in the SYSTAT. After you
hit the space after your username, it
will stop echoing characters back to
your screen. This is the password you
are typing in... Remember, people
usually use their name, their dog's
name, the name of a favorite character
in a book, or something like this. A
few clever people have it set to a key
cluster (qwerty or asdfg). PW's can be
from 1 to 8 characters long, anything
after that is ignored.
You are finally in...
It would be nice to have a little
help, wouldn't it? Just type a ?
or the word HELP, and it will give
you a whole list of topics...
Some handy characters for you to know
would be the control keys, wouldn't it?
Backspace on a DEC 20 is rub which is
255 on your ASCII chart. On the DEC 10
it is Cntrl-H. To abort a long listing
or a program, Cntrl-C works fine. Use
Cntrl-O to stop long output to the
terminal. This is handy when playing
a game, but you don't want to Cntrl-C
out. Cntrl-T for the time. Cntrl-U
will kill the whole line you are typing
at the moment. You may accidently run
a program where the only way out is a
Cntrl-X, so keep that in reserve.
Cntrl-S to stop listing, Cntrl-Q to
continue on both systems. Is your
terminal having trouble?? Like, it
pauses for no reason, or it doesn't
backspace right? This is because
both systems support many terminals,
and you haven't told it what yours is
yet... You are using a VT05 (Isn't
that funny? I thought i had an apple)
so you need to tell it you are one.
DEC=> @
YOU=> information terminal
or... YOU=> info ter
This shows you what your terminal is
set up as...
DEC=> all sorts of shit, then the @
YOU=> set ter vt05
This sets your terminal type to VT05.
Now let's see what is in the account
(here after abbreviated acct.) that
you have hacked onto...
short for directory, it shows you what
the user of the code has save to the
disk. There should be a format like
this: xxxxx.ooo
xxxxx is the file name, from 1 to 20
characters long. ooo is the file type,
one of: exe, txt, dat, bas, cmd and
a few others that are system dependant.
Exe is a compiled program that can be
run (just by typing its name at the @).
Txt is a text file, which you can see
by typing=> type xxxxx.txt
Do not try to=> type xxxxx.exe
This is very bad for your terminal and
will tell you absolutly nothing.
Dat is data they have saved.
Bas is a basic program, you can
have it typed out for you.
Cmd is a command type file, a little
too complicated to go into here.
TRY => take xxxxx.cmd
By the way, there are other users
out there who may have files you can
use (Gee, why else am i here?).
TYPE => DIR <*.*> (DEC 20)
=> DIR [*,*] (DEC 10)
* is a wildcard, and will allow you
to access the files on other accounts
if the user has it set for public
access. If it isn't set for public
access, then you won't see it.
to run that program:
DEC=> @
YOU=> username program-name
Username is the directory you saw the
file listed under, and file name was
what else but the file name?
Remember, you said (at the very start)
SY short for SYSTAT, and how we said
this showed the other users on the
system? Well, you can talk to them,
or at least send a message to anyone
you see listed in a SYSTAT. You can
do this by:
DEC=> the user list (from your systat)
YOU=> talk username (DEC 20)
send username (DEC 10)
Talk allows you and them immediate
transmission of whatever you/they
type to be sent to the other. Send
only allow you one message to be sent,
and only after you hit <return>.
With send, they will send back to you,
with talk you can just keep going.
By the way, you may be noticing with
the talk command that what you type is
still acted upon by the parser (control
program). To avoid the constant error
messages type either:
YOU=> ;your message
YOU=> rem
your message
The semi-colon tells the parser that
what follows is just a comment. Rem
is short for 'remark' and ignores you
from then on until you type a Cntrl-Z
or Cntrl-C, at which point it puts you
back in the exec mode.
To break the connection from a talk
command type:
YOU=> break
If you happen to have privs, you can do
all sorts of things. First of all, you
have to activate those privs.
YOU=> enable
This gives you a $ prompt, and allows
you to do this: Whatever you can do to
your own directory you can now do to
any other directory.
To create a new acct. using your privs,
just type => build username
If username is old, you can edit it,
if it is new, you can define it to be
whatever you wish.
Privacy means nothing to a user with
privs. By the way, there are various
levels of privs: Operator, Wheel, CIA
wheel is the most powerful, being that
he can log in from anywhere and have
his powers. Operators have their power
because they are at a special terminal
allowing them the privs. CIA is short
for 'Confidential Information Access',
Which allows you a low level amount of
privs. Not to worry though, since you
can read the system log file, which
also has the passwords to all the other
to de-activate your privs, type
YOU=> disable
When you have played your greedy heart
out, you can finally leave the system
with the command=> logout
This logs the job you are using off
the system (There may be varients of
this such as kjob, or killjob).
By the way, you can say (if you have
privs) => logout username
and that kills the username's terminal.
There are many more commands, so try
them out. Just remember: Leave the
account in the same state as you found
it. This way they may never know that
you are playing leech off their acct.
Next Time:
The Basics of Hacking II: VAX's (UNIX)
This article written by:
The Knights of Shadow